
County Limerick Beekeepers' Association

The Association was founded, in 1956 prior to the holding of the 10th FIBKA Summer Course in Villiers School on the 16th-21st of July which was lauded as a great success. The lectures at the course were given by Mr A.S.C. Deans and the bees for the demonstrations were provided by Jack Ryan, now honorary member of the Association! The Honey Show that year boasted of 60 entries and there were more than 100 exhibits.

Included in the original committee were Mr Liam Forde, Mr William Glasheen, Mr Ted Mc Carthy, and Mr Denis Buckley. The association has since gone from strength to strength, and continues to look after the needs of its many members.

For the current Committee, please go to the Contact Us/Committee page of this site.